Hypnosis is a state of calm, relaxed awareness where you are in total control at all times.
We all go in and out of hypnotic trances throughout the day whenever we focus our attention on something, such as listening to music, exercising, studying, watching TV, even driving. This focused awareness is a normal part of our life and central to our learning.
During Hypnotherapy trance we can bypass the conscious, critical part of our mind and access our more suggestible subconscious, which is more open to taking on ideas for change.
We all have patterns of thoughts and behaviour which have been learned and added to throughout our lives. These can be positive patterns or negative unhelpful ones.
Clinical hypnosis uses visualisation in trance to help break the negative, unwanted behaviours in a very safe, enjoyable manner where you remain in complete control.
When we use our imagination to see ourselves behaving differently to that which we are accustomed to, we have made the first step towards breaking free of limiting habits and behaviours. This intervention can profoundly affect the way we both view and deal with our problems.
The Health Education Authority has said “Research shows that there is more scientific evidence for Hypnotherapy than any other Complementary Therapy …. by using hypnosis people can perform prodigious feats of will-power and self-healing.”
How Much Does It Cost?
Initial Consultation – 50-60 minutes. £60.
Further sessions – 50-60 minutes. £60.
What Is The Next Step?
You can message me by email or telephone or text on 07711376724 Please do not include much personal detail in an email. All communications are treated in strict confidence.